Monday, January 8, 2018

Willamette Valley Quilt Festival Sneak Peek

So the Willamette Valley Quilt Festival is quickly approaching (February 2-3, 2018 at the Linn County Fair and Expo) and we have a booth. Haven't heard of it?  Well, that's because this is it's very first year!  As usual, I am looking forward to it.  I really enjoy doing shows, despite the late nights, hair-pulling, and zero free time in the weeks before the show.  Wow, that sounds convincing, doesn't it?  lol.  Well, it's true.  Shows are a blast and a very welcome change to the regular grind.  

But I am late this time.  Usually I start a couple MONTHS before a show, but with the holidays, yeah friggin' right.  I am only one person and my sanity is only so strong.  So I started on January 1...which means only a month of prep.  Luckily most stuff is taken care of.  But samples?  Not so much.

So I started a few using things that weren't selling in the shop, or that I think would be neat to this lovely equine:

 And not to toot my own horn, but CHECK OUT THIS SICK MITERS. I decided to do something with a panel that wasn't selling, and hated the idea of wasting the stripe.  I haven't mitered in easily 10 years.  Because I hate it.  Not because I can't do it (clearly), but because it is a pain in my ass.  

Angles so sharp they make my rotary cutter look dull.  (Nevermind that it totally is, shh)

 I didn't mean to make the zebra look like it had a bird dick, but hey, weird stuff happens.  It was funny so I kept it. Did I mention the panel is Noah's Ark? No? Whelp, I'm almost certainly going to hell...maybe not for this specifically, but I'm sure it isn't earning me any points.  *shruuuuug*  

More to come I'm sure.  I'm also binding quilts during my lunch breaks at the office.  No rest for the wicked!


  1. Oh Lauren you make me laugh....bird d**k? Really? Your brain is something else! I’m going to tey and come visit you at yhe show!

    1. lol. Yes really. Turn your head and squint, it's there!

  2. Typing on the phone at 2 am is obviously a challenge for me!

  3. Your rainbow unicorn is divine! And you sure can miter!

    1. Thank you!! The unicorn was fun to make. And BTW I LOVE your user name...I too am a Pug Mom!

  4. Those miters are most excellent. So is your writing style. :-)

    1. Thank you on both, Sally! I'm glad you enjoy it :-)


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