Monday, January 15, 2018

Sewing Room Ambiance

I got into a conversation a little while back about the things people watch while in their sewing rooms. My friend Deanne talked abut watching kids movies (Toy Story?  Did I remember correctly?).  I my usual charming way, I was like, "Well...I watch documentaries on the bubonic plague."

And I wonder to myself sometimes why people think I'm weird.  Actually most recently the word used was "interesting" but not in that complimentary way. 

Don't hate, cuz' I'm great. 

But seriously I do.  I am a woman of many odd interests.  Aside from quilting and dinosaurs and Halloween...I am a big ol' Dark Ages and Medieval History buff (nerd).  So tbh, the bubonic plague documentary was only one in a long line of medieval themed documentaries I had going.  So ya know...context is everything.  

In a heartbreaking turn of events, my trusty little Roku died suddenly a couple weeks ago.  No more Netflix.  No more Hulu.  No more Youtube.  NO MORE DOCUMENTARIES. And I don't know about any of y'all but I am NOT about to sew in silence.  Not happening.  So what do I do in a absence of TV?

Sick metal licks, obviously.  Yes, your girl here is a very serious and enthusiastic metal head.  I have been for many, many years.  When I first heard Stone Temple Pilots in third grade, it was so much harder than anything else I had heard, I thought it was heavy metal.  And when people at school asked what I listened to, I said heavy metal.  Naturally I got looked at like I had three heads, or got pat on the head and told "Oh sure you do."  Little did I know that when I heard Marilyn Manson for the first time in fifth grade at a sleepover that my statement about liking metal would be not only true in an distance but unilaterally and in the long term. 

To answer the general questions which are often asked when I say I am am metal head: no I am not a Satanist, no that hasn't stopped anyone from accusing me of it or assuming it, yes I listen to several different subgenres and some are NSFW, no I am not a violent or angry person, yes I can generally understand the lyrics after a few listens, no I don't generally care about the lyrics in general because I enjoy the music itself and for all I care they could be singing about gummy bears AND I don't blame music for personal choices, yes I am the only metal head in the family, and after 20 years no it isn't a phase.  '

It makes me feel very chill.  Seriously.  Check out this study about it. #facts.  I mean, as I type I am listening to Gojira as John listens to Tyler the Creator.  

Everyone has a different thing going on. What is your sewing room ambiance? 


  1. You are hilarious! My advice--go get a new Roku like now. I watch tons of murder shows in my sewing room--true stories are better, but I will settle for fiction as well. I would have loved to have been a detective, but the whole be a cop thing did NOT appeal. For the most part, I am a libertarian live and let live--not my business. I like your sass and I added you to my blog roll to see what you are up to!

    1. Oh, come payday I am getting that Roku! Murder shows are great...we have watched all of The First 48 and Snapped.
      So glad you've added me to your blog roll, and it's always great to meet someone with the same amount of sass :D


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