Thursday, March 29, 2018

Product Review: Clover No-Hassle Triangles Gauge

I think I might be one of the few out there that doesn't vocally hate making half square triangles.  Actually, when I am sewing for fun or want something that is instant gratification, I tend to lean towards half square triangles.  And I do them both ways; the "cut square in half diagonally and sew it' way, and the "take two squares right sides together, draw a line corner to corner and sew on either side of the line" way.  Both methods have their purpose and place.  But damn it if I can ever remember what size to cut the original square to to yield the HST that I need.

So there's this.

  • Plastic with movable gauge piece
  • Cost: About $15
  • Clear labels make knowing which pieces you need to yield what size HST easy
  • The gauge make it it very easy to differentiate square sizes - it clicks in place so there is no confusing what you need
  • The gauge itself is a really good double check to make sure your squares are indeed cut accurately
  • This is a one-trick pony.  It isn't a ruler, so can't double for cutting.  All you can really use it for is stenciling in the center line down the block
  • Block sizes are limited to 2.5"-7.5"
  • There is no no-slip on the back, so it is prone to slipping if you're in a groove and not being mindful
So.  The block measurements are cool!  But...the tracing is all this tool is good for.  To be honest, I use my 1.5" x 12.5" ruler, and I have the block thinger taped to the wall by my cutting table already (thank you Pinterest!).  So, I probably wouldn't get much mileage out of this personally, hence 2 stars, but someone else might find it extra handy!

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