Sunday, May 20, 2018

Sunday Stash: Material Girl

So we did round back into Redmond and landed in Material Girl.  That ship was in a house and reminded me VERY much of Cool Cottons in Portland...just had way better parking. 

We were on our way back, so there isn't much to tell about this leg of the trip other than I slept most of the way home, lol.

Left: Gregory's Garden by Jane Sassaman (Free Spirit).  Right: This is a Brandon Mably print with Kaffe Fassett Collective but what print it is is cut off on the selvedge soooo IDK.  

I always try to buy cool bees when I see them, because they're awesome.  

1 comment:

  1. I've read your whole blog. I sent you a Facebook message. Hope you get a chance to read it today.


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